Your senses are essential, and we’re in the business of protecting them. Since 1978, we’ve provided vision, dental, and hearing health
coverage to millions of Americans. And now, as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, we can do that
with an even greater focus and commitment than ever before.
Our members are teachers and firefighters, accountants and bus drivers. Our clients are small and large businesses, school systems, and municipalities.
We serve commercial and government health plan sponsors, unions, and TPAs. We’re here for you, too.
We’re all concerned about the spiraling costs of healthcare. But our programs are designed to reduce sponsor and member costs by delivering a custom program
tailored to meet their needs. And our core values—accountability, empowerment, excellence, and integrity—help us to deliver high member and client
satisfaction. Our retention rate is proof that we’ve achieved our goal.